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Thanksgiving Menu 2010

November 23, 2010

Since I can’t write a blog post without pictures-I had to borrow some.  Giving full credit to Taste of Home-my favorite recipe site.  I have never taken pictures of my Thanksgiving Dinner.  Last year, we were with Dustin and Andrea,  and I think all the pictures are on her camera.  I would still like to record our very-very traditional menu.  It never changes-unless someone brings over a different version of their favorite dish.  I only make them once-    maybe duplicating some dishes for Christmas Dinner–this way–my family looks forward to them all year.


Mashed Potatoes

Traditional Gravy-No giblets floating here.

This is the only thing I am going to mix up this year.  I am adding some chopped apple and bacon.  You can find the recipe here.

Sweet Potato Casserole. With a lot more marshmellows than this. I have to make a 9×13 pan of these. They must last for at least one session of leftovers.

Green Bean Casserole

Cranberry Relish Dustin and I are the only ones who eat this. It has become the family joke. But-I am making it anyway. In honor of Dustin. In honor of all things traditional. In honor of – I like Cranberry Relish – and I don’t care who knows it!


I personally think this should be the family joke at the table. Ok-well-maybe for me-it is. I call it ABC Scalloped Corn. I don’t even make this. This is a family tradition that my husband makes. I will usually take a bite-just to appease.

Dinner Rolls – this is one of my favorite smells in the kitchen.

Pumpkin Pie – A must –

Apple Pie – Another must. I will share my recipe next week-after-I take my own pictures. I feel kind of guilty for using someone else’s pictures. Next year-Next year-If I remember in the middle of it all to take the pictures.

Have a wonderful traditional Thanksgiving!



Beauty and Bedlam

8 Comments leave one →
  1. November 23, 2010 6:41 pm

    That apple pie looks pretty much like yours, though! It was sooo pretty, I remember. You are making me hungry…at least we get to have the same things here, and I don’t have to just read about it and miss it!

  2. November 23, 2010 9:38 pm

    I think I would definitely have to try the scalloped corn. It does look like something I would like. Of course, this isn’t a picture of the real thing? Anyway, I am also thinking I will give cranberry whatever a try for the first thanksgiving in my life this year.

  3. November 23, 2010 10:03 pm

    Scalloped Corn is a tradition for us, and I love it! However you are missing my personal favorites…the relish tray, cheese ball, and deviled eggs. The stuff you snack on ALL day; oh how I love Thanksgiving!!

    • November 25, 2010 12:40 pm

      You are right, Nicole–deviled eggs are on their way–from my step-daughter–yes, I forgot to say a relish tray–but no cheese ball–Happy Thanksgiving! Oh–I also forgot butternut squash!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving | Be Instant
  2. Happy Thanksgiving « Fairhaven Baptist College Alumni

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